10 tips to enhance brain power

10 tips to enhance brain power

tips to enhance brain power - Many believe that memory and mental function declines with age. However, it does not mean you cannot do anything about it. In fact, the brain is highly trainable and is responsive to trainings as well as common sense care which many have neglected. Here are several proven ways to prevent that and even increase your brain power and keep it in prime conditions:

10 tips to enhance brain power
Continue learning

Stimulate your brain by learning new things, be it reading the newspaper getting a new hobby or visiting new places.

Exercise Regularly 

Physical exercise increases the formation of new brain cells, and strengthens the portions of the brain responsible for memory and learning. 

Interact with Others 

Regular social interaction with others can help you keep your brain sharp and functioning at higher levels. Besides, you can learn new information too.  

Challenge Your Mind

Stimulate your mind regularly with puzzles, brain teasers, music, arts and crafts, mathematics, and other stimulating activities. 

Sleep Well 

Getting plenty of rest is necessary for both physical and mental health. 

Reduce Stress 

Stress management is crucial. While short-term stress effectively aids in dealing with emergencies by giving us an adrenaline rush, too much of it will cause neurons in certain parts of the brain to shrink, leading to reduced learning capability and sub-par memory, in addition to increasing our susceptibility to neurodegenerative conditions.

5 brain techniques to improve your memory

Eat Properly 

In addition to giving you a healthy physique, it helps fuel your brain to work with higher efficiency. Food that can help includes  flavonoids in cocoa, resveratrol in a glass of merlot and DHA, EPA & DPA in oily fish. In addition to keeping the brain functioning in tip-top condition, it also contain potent anti-inflammatory or antioxidizing properties that help to protect us from developing brain diseases and heart diease.


Do Something New 

Do not get stuck in the same routine every day; your mind brain will not be challenged. Do something different for a change. For example, take a different route to work or do something spontaneous.


Sharpen Senses

This is an interesting workout for your brain where you sharpen your senses by removing one of them from an activity. For example, try eating with your eyes closed or brushing your teeth with the non-dominant opposite hand. This will help in your concentration.


Take Supplements


If you feel your diet is not healthy enough, try eat supplements rich in antioxidants, omega-3, acetyl-L-carnithing, phosphatidyl serine and nattokinase.

Exercise your brain regularly

Mental brain puzzles performed on a daily basis help strengthen your brain by activating new neural pathways.

The activity you choose should be new, challenging and fun.

Also, try to practice around the same time every day as consistent cycles aid in the development of new neural pathways.

Exercises to try out include as memorizing a poem or a shopping list, playing chess, enjoying a crossword puzzle. Besides that, try using you non-dominant hand to carry out daily activities such as brushing your teeth, combing your hair, eat etc.

This practice stimulates communication between the two hemispheres of the brain, helping to improve mental capacity as well as physical balance..

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