How to create passive income through email marketing

create passive income through email marketing

They say the only way to become financially free is to build your passive income so that it exceeds your daily expenditure or lifestyle expenses. One of the ways you can build a passive income is through email marketing. 

How to create passive income through email marketing
So how do you make passive income through sending emails? 

First of all, you’ll need to set up your email autoresponder using services such as Getresponse or Aweber. From there, you can schedule daily emails to be sent to your subscribers.

The series of follow up emails would ultimately depend on what product you are promoting. For example, if you are in the dating niche, you might want your first few emails to talk about dating tips and techniques for the first few days. After a week or so, you can then promote a product based on the dating niche which would appeal to your audience. 

In your promotional email, you would talk about this latest product regarding your niche or promote a product of a partners for affiliate commissions. Inside the promo email will be a link to a sales page where people who click on it would be sent to a sales page and hopefully, get converted into a customer.

The final step of passive income automation through emails is drawing tons of traffic. Passive income involves you not being there, so your traffic has to come automatically. Therefore, you might want to consider investing in some advertising or building SEO so that your list size gets built without you being there.

The traffic has to be sent to a single page website called a landing page or a squeeze page where you can collect subscribers from. (By them opting into your opt in box which is provided by the email autoresponder service) 

 Voila! You’ve just created your online passive income system using email marketing.

How to create passive income through email marketing

Email marketing mistakes to avoid


Your ability to craft good emails in your email marketing campaign can make or break your business, you’ve worked hard setting up your business funnel, drawing tons of traffic and converting them into leads. Now’s left the difficult task of making profits through your email marketing campaign.


Here are some mistakes in email marketing you’ll have to avoid at all costs or you’ll potentially be leaving tons of money on the table:


-Using spammy looking headlines.

If you send emails with spammy looking headlines such as those that contain the words sex, Viagra and drugs, your emails will get caught in the spam filters and you’ll have a much lower delivery rate overall.


-Using long weird looking affiliate links.


It’s good to make affiliate income but you must bear in mind, many affiliates are long an unsightly. The solution? Use an affiliate link cloaking software or a url shortener such as TinyURL or


-Using long email width length.

Ideally, the length from left to right for the text of your emails should be no longer than 200 characters. This will help you to improve readability and usability. People have a tendency to scroll up and down rather than left to right.


-Too much hardsell.

Treating your customers right is important, and while making profits is important as well, it should not go at the expense of your readers attention. A good guideline would be to send 1 promo offer for every 9 emails of valuable content. That way, you can “train” your readers to lookout for your emails for good stuff everytime you send something and not opt out from your list.


In short, strive to provide the utmost value through your email marketing campaign and you will be paid in direct proportion to the amount of value you provide.

There are no shortcuts to success.

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